Welcome to the St John the Baptist Primary Schools Cashel fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and the money raised will be used to directly support your children's education by helping us purchase resources for our schools that would be generally outside the scope of our school budgets.
Girls’ Primary School - we hope to purchase 55 interactive tablets. There are currently 10 tablets in the school, and these are shared between 13 classes. The purchase of 55 tablets would mean that each class could have 5 tablets per class for their exclusive use. The tablets would then be used for group work and station teaching giving every child regular access to this technology. Interactive devices are an invaluable resource to support the teaching of literacy, numeracy, science, technology and the new subjects that will be part of the revised curriculum being rolled out over the next number of years.
Boys’ National School – we hope to purchase resources for our school that each child in our school will benefit from including Information Technology, Sports & Playground equipment, Science / Engineering / Maths materials & additional Literacy supports. The first major project that the fundraising lotto will support is the purchase of equipment for the enclosed soft play area that forms part of the new extension. The soft play surface itself will be funded as part of the overall project, but all equipment for this wonderful new space will need to be purchased by the school.
We hope that the weekly option of one line for €2.50 will allow everybody to contribute. Other options include two lines for €4 or a maximum of three lines per week for €5. Whatever your budget allows, all support would be hugely appreciated.
Please pass the word on and invite friends and family.
Go raibh maith agaibh/thank you very much.
Mary Andrews (GPS Principal) & Will Ryan (BNS Principal)
20 Mar 2025
15 20 21 23
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Rebecca Delahunty |
13 Mar 2025
8 13 15 20
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Athira Jolly |
6 Mar 2025
2 18 20 22
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Majella Sutcliffe |