Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
Welcome to the St. Michael’s N.S. Donaghmoyne fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and the money raised will be used to directly support our school and your children’s education.
As a school we are committed to providing the very best equipment, teaching and learning resources. The commitment to provide the very best for the school costs more than the school grants provided by the department. This is a challenge for many schools in Ireland and we want to overcome this challenge with our school fundraiser lotto.

There are many exciting projects and initiatives that St. Michael’s National School would like to engage in, but, often, it is the school budget that decides. Here are some projects already paid for by people’s involvement in this fundraiser and some others we hope to do:
1. We have upgraded our mathematics and science equipment, allowing us to plan and deliver more exciting and engaging lessons for children.

- We have invested in ICT across the school, having recently upgraded our photocopier and Wi-Fi system. We have also purchased ten additional tablets, meaning that every child from first to sixth class now has access to the tablets throughout the school day. This is of huge benefit to our Accelerated Reading Initiative.

- We have purchased a class-set of Six Bricks, a skills-building approach to the curriculum. This is currently being utilized in first and second class, and we look forward to implementing this in the other classes in the very-near future.

- As part of the Fabric and Fibre strand of the Visual Arts Curriculum, we introduced sewing classes for a six-week block. We found this so enjoyable and beneficial for the children that we hope to do so again later this year.

5. We updated some of the toys in the infant classroom in order to facilitate Aistear.

6. We funded our first ever off-site Sports Day, which we hope to be an annual event. Funds were used to buy new P.E. equipment for each event, as well as prizes for those who took part on the day.

Please pass the word on and invite friends and family to participate. All funds raised after the cost of running the draw, go to jackpot prizes, weekly prizes, and most importantly to the many exciting school initiatives made possible by this fundraiser. We hope the weekly option of €2.50 per line will allow everybody to contribute.
If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!
Best of luck!
Fiona Whelan, Principal