St Joseph's Secondary School, Rush Fundraiser

Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you

Welcome to the St Joseph's Secondary School, Rush fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative, and the money raised will be spent on student facilities, support and wellbeing.

As a school we are committed to providing the highest level of care to all of our students, as well as the very best equipment teaching and learning resources to ensure that the students in St Joseph’s reach their full potential. Faced with additional and ever increasing costs (a challenge for many schools in Ireland), we want to overcome this challenge with our school lotto.

All money raised from this fundraising initiative will be spent in the area of student facilities, support and wellbeing. Our initial focus is :


  • To improve outdoor facilities with the purchase of durable garden furniture that will be available to all students to use at break and lunch.
  • To repaint the Basketball court.
  • To continue to enhance and add to our school reading corners that all students have access to.
  • To set up what will be called ‘The Catherine McAuley Fund’, a fund to directly support students in our school who might need some extra financial assistance accessing certain items and opportunities. Catherine McAuley was born in Dublin in 1778.  She founded the order of the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin in 1831,  the original trustee of St Joseph’s Secondary School Rush. St Joseph’s Rush is a proud Mercy school. Catherine McAuley became one of Ireland's greatest social reformers. The Mercy tradition is based on the values of compassion, respect, integrity, justice, hope and joy, emphasises the dignity and rights of the human person and strives to empower the most vulnerable in society, enabling young people to become catalysts for social transformation throughout the world. The creation of ‘The Catherine McAuley Fund’ in St Joseph’s is to pay tribute to our school origins, whilst continuing to carry out her mission of ensuring equal access to opportunity.

We will keep you updated about what we have been able to purchase so you can see the positive benefit of your support.

These are just our initial goals - we’ve lots of plans!

We hope that the weekly option of 1 line for €2.50 will allow everybody to contribute.

It would be hugely appreciated if you can contribute €5 for 3 lines, and you never know you might just win!

Thank you so much.

Daragh Nealon, Principal, and the Parents’ Association