St. David’s Holy Faith Secondary School, Greystones Fundraiser

You contribution makes a big difference! Thank you

Welcome to the St. David’s Holy Faith Secondary School Greystones, fundraiser lotto.

This is a fundraising initiative that we are rolling out to family, staff and friends of our community. The money raised will be used to directly support our school and your child’s education in all areas of school.

We will use the money raised to purchase additional I.T equipment for our classrooms, sports equipment to increase sports participation, additional capital to fund our extensive arts programme that is growing annually, our stunning new library,  as well as classroom and teaching resources pedagogical tools, to enhance the learning experience.

All income from this important fundraising initiative will be outlined in an annual report published and provided to all stake-holders of our school community.

We hope that you can contribute €5 weekly for 3 lines which would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win or the weekly option of €2.50 for 1 line will allow everybody to contribute.

Thank you so much.

Simon Carey, School Principal, and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)