Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
Welcome to our new St Brigid’s GNS Killester Lotto! We are so excited to launch and delighted that you’ve decided to support us, thank you!
The money we raise through the lotto will go directly towards supporting various initiatives the school would like to run.
The first exciting initiative is to enhance the outdoor spaces to allow for outdoor learning. We all know how important it is to let our children be outdoors, especially these days, so why not help bring the classrooms outside? We are planning to use the first of the money raised to purchase some outdoor learning resources for the yards e.g. wall games like those found here and outdoor chalk boards like those found here. We will let you know when we have raised enough money to allow the school purchase these and report on progress.

Our aim is always to be transparent with you so you know exactly where the lotto funds are going and you can see the positive benefit of your support.
Things made possible by the PA this year
▪ Drumming workshop
▪ Artane Music Outreach Program
▪ Singing repertoire
▪ Cycling workshop
▪ Badminton school set
▪ Athletics Competition (transport)
▪ Outdoor garden equipment
▪ Habitat workshops- outdoor learning
▪ Shared yard games
▪ Indoor breaktime games (rainy days)
▪ Wellbeing workshops
▪ Motus learning workshop
▪ Project presentation resources
We hope you enjoy our weekly lotto. We’re really excited about it and think it’s going to be loads of fun. There are a couple of different ways you can win each week. There will be a weekly prize of €25 drawn from all people who have a line in the lotto. And then there will be the grand jackpot which can also be won weekly by matching 4 numbers in the lotto. If it’s not won, it rolls over to the next week just like the national lottery. The excitement!
Anyway what are you waiting for? Sign up today and tell all your friends and family too. If you’re not in, you can’t win!
Thanks so much,
St.Brigid’s GNS, Killester PA