Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
Féach Conas a Chabhraigh Tú Linn - See How You Helped Us?
Táímid tiomanta i nGaelscoil na Lochanna airgead atá tiomsaithe ag pobal na scoile a chaitheamh ar ábhar coincréideacha a chuireann le saol ár bpáistí ar scoil. Tá béim curtha againn ar fholláine na bpáistí sa scoil, ach go háirithe i ndiaidh tréimhse Covid, agus nuair is féídir beimid ag úsáid an tairgead bailithe chun saolta ár bpáístí a fheabhsú. Tá sé toilte acu.
Bímid ag díriú in amannta ar threalamh nua spóirt nó ealaíne agus in amannta eile ar threalamh eolaíochta nó TFC a cheannach.
Tá feachtas mór ar siúl again le “Seomra Ciúin” a oscailt sa scoil chun cuidiú le páistí atá imníoch agus a bhfuil spás uathu rilaú a dhéanamh ar a gcuid mothúcháin. Tá sé i gceist airgead tiomsaithe a úsáid chun an seomra seo a mhaisiú go hálainn leis an trealamh is fearr.

Tá gairdín scoile álainn againn freisin agus ó am go chéile caithfimid airgead a chaitheamh chun cuma álainn a choinneáil air agus chun é a fhorbairt tuilleadh.
Ar ndóigh tá súil amháin againn ar Thionscnamh an Fhoirgnimh Nua don scoil iontach atá againn. Tabharfaidh ár Láto deis dúinn an tús is fearr a bheith againn inár bhfoirgneamh nua sna blianta atá romhainn.
See How You Have Helped Us
At Gaelscoil na Lochanna we are committed to spending money raised by the school community on materials that contribute to improving our children's lives and educational experience in school. We put a huge emphasis on their well-being, especially after the Covid period, and where possible we will use the money raised to enhance their lives in school. They deserve it!
We sometimes focus on new sports or art equipment and other times on the purchase of science or ICT equipment.
We opened our beautiful Seomra Ciúin to great fanfare during our Well being day on June 17th, 2022.

We were delighted that Minister Simon Harris was on hand to be present and officially open the room for us. The room is designed by our Neuro Diversity Consultant, Laura Murray and the room contains specific features suitable for children with varying neurodiverse needs, including children who need a quiet space to regulate and manage anxiety.
Minister Harris claimed he had seen many sensory rooms but none like this.
Príomhoide Seán says the room now represents the Heart of the School- Croí na Scoile.
We also have a beautiful school garden and from time to time we need to spend money to keep it looking beautiful and to develop it further.
We have one eye of course on Project New Building for our wonderful school. Our lotto will allow us have the best start in our new building in the coming years.