Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
Fáilte chuig lató Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe. Déanfar an t-airgead a bhaileofar ón tionscnamh tiomsaithe airgid seo a infheistiú i dtrealamh oideachais chun tacú le hoideachas do pháiste.
Tá muid ag iarraidh ár n-áiseanna foghlama don taobh amuigh a fheabhsú. Téann spraoi idirghníomhach lasmuigh chun leasa páistí de gach cumas agus tá sé ríthábhachtach dá bhfolláine choirp agus shóisialta. Táimid ag bailiú airgid le haghaidh:
- Troscán dár seomra ranga lasmuigh
- Trealamh breise spraoi don taobh amuigh a cheannach le haghaidh saor-imirt agus spraoi treoraithe
- Cothabháil leanúnach na páirceanna peile
-Trealamh céadfach don taobh amuigh
Tuigimid go maith freisin ról na teicneolaíochta maidir leis an scoil agus an baile a choinneáil ceangailte. Caithfidh na páistí a bheith in ann rochtain a fháil ar obair ranga ar líne chomh neamhspleách agus is féidir. Chuige sin, ba mhaith linn an oiread ‘chromebooks’ agus is féidir a cheannach le húsáid ar scoil, ionas gur féidir na páistí a threorú a thuilleadh maidir le foghlaim go sábháilte trí Google.

Welcome to the Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and all the money raised will be used to directly support your children's education.
We are very keen to further improve our outdoor learning facilities for our children. Outdoor, physical interactive play benefits children of all abilities and is key to their physical and social well being. We are fundraising for:
-- Furniture for our outdoor classroom
-- The purchase of additional outdoor play equipment for both free play and guided play
-- The ongoing maintenance of our sports fields
-- Outdoor sensory equipment
We are also very conscious of the role of technology in keeping school and home connected. The children need to be able to access classwork online as independently as possible. To that end, we want to purchase as many Chromebooks as possible for use at school, so the children can be further guided in how to learn safely via Google.
We hope that the weekly option of 1 line for €2.50 will allow everybody to contribute.
It would be hugely appreciated if you can contribute €5 for 3 lines, and you never know you might just win!
Go n-éirí libh!
Pádraig Ó Conchubhair, Príomhoide & Cairde na Scoile