Your contribution makes all the difference to Parish life.
The Parish relies on the generosity of Parishioners like you to help provide a strong foundation for the practicing of faith in our community.
The Parish of Enniskerry covers a wide area from Enniskerry to Kilmacanogue, to Curtlestown and Glencree. We have many wonderful buildings in the Parish that require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition for our use and pleasure now and for that of future generations. In preserving the built heritage of the church in the Parish, we ensure places of worship and the future of our faith in the community.
Your contributions also help support the many workers in the Parish, both volunteers and employees, who work tirelessly to keep the day to day running of the Parish in order and to plan for and provide a strong and vibrant faith community. The contributions you make here will stay within your Parish and contribute directly to make a real difference to the Parish life which we all enjoy.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.