Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
I am planning a programme of refurbishment and redecoration of our Parish Church. There is much that needs to be done and it will take time. To Fundraise for the programme I have decided, with my Finance Committee, to launch an ONLINE PARISH LOTTO.

The LOTTO will be entirely on-line, and all payments and tickets are electronic. I am appealing for your support. I hope that the weekly option of just €2 per week will allow everybody to support us.
Our Church is the centre point of so many of the significant dates in our lives that it is part of who we are.

The last major refurbishment of St. Michael’s Church was carried out in 1963 so the Electrics, Plumbing, Fixtures and Fittings and even the Roofing are now in place for almost 60 years and reaching the point where replacement and repair is now urgently required. This is why I have decided on the online Lotto. If it is well supported, it has the potential to provide us with a stream of income that will allow us to deliver our refurbishment plans over time.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and this programme will take time but with your help it can be done. Please support this initiative and spread the word both near and far.
If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Fr. Dick Browne